Friday, May 8, 2009

Press Play!

In 1997, Matthew Barnett and the Dream Center joined forces with David Hanley to develop a new and exciting vision for music. This vision was to change lives with a positive and relevant voice. Press Play was established from the local community and across the nation, brought together by a common passion to see lives transformed. 
In 2001, with the partnering of Angelus Temple and the Dream Center, Press Play began playing weekly in the historic 3,200-seat auditorium. David Hanley had the privilege of aiding in the design of the Temple with line-array speakers, 52-foot panoramic screen, LED stage panels, and a sound system to facilitate the band's huge sound. 
A groundbreaking partnership began in 2007 between Foursquare International and the Dream Center paving the way for the launch of Dream Records. The vision of this label is to distribute a positive message worldwide through existing media outlets. Dream Record’s first release will be Press Play’s “Life is Beautiful” available MAY 19, 2009! 

Monday, March 9, 2009

This is what 2500 kids look like....

This guy is such a beast! He was our guest speaker on thursday and his name is Geronimo Aguilar. This is part of what he's doing! The Richmond Outreach Center opened April 7, 2001. The Founder of The ROC is Pastor Geronimo Aguilar. Pastor Geronimo, his wife Samantha, and a ministry team of 19, left Southern California and planted in Richmond, Virginia. 

Pastor Geronimo (Pastor G.) and his team were involved in outreach ministry for years in California. After a year and a half in Richmond, they saw the opportunity and need for a place like The ROC. So after much prayer, God gave Pastor G. the vision for the Richmond Outreach Center.

Realizing that Richmond already had several great churches in the city, God gave Pastor G. the vision to start a center where churches hungry to reach out to the hurting could come together, bring their time and resources, and make a difference in the inner city! Not only is The ROC a local church for hundreds and hundreds of people, The ROC is also an outreach center where the body of Christ can come together to help change lives, and make life changers!

Since the doors opened in 2001, the Lord has blessed The ROC tremendously. The ministry has gone from 19 people, to an average weekly attendance of over 4,000. The ROC is considered one of the fastest growing churches in America, and the growing keeps on going! The ROC has over 100 different ministries, including two private Christian schools, several discipleship homes, and the largest bus ministry in Virginia.

God has sent people from the north, south, east, and the west to work at The ROC. We have seen Christians from all over the country relocate to Richmond just to be part of what God is doing at The ROC!

The coolest thing was seeing his people in the front row. I thought they were celebrities from a reality show or something. His dad had tats on his face and they were all G'd out. It was such an amazing service! 

I'm goign to try to find his testimony but here is a sample of it. His dad left him when he was 3 years old. When he was 11 I believe he saw someone come into his house and kill his mother. His grandfather took him him but never had a relationship with him. He was selling drugs and doing them by the time he was 15. He finally went to a church and got saved. Later he found out that the pastor of that church was his dad. His dad got saved in prison and became a minister. And now his whole family is saved! I'm going to try to get a video! Amazing testimony!

Monday, March 2, 2009

This is a new program my bro Jordan bought for me. Its got 3 supplements in it. Its Call Mass cycle and NX makes it. He got huuge from it.. So hopefully I will. It came with this 70 page book. I learned alot about gaining.

This was my favorite book I've read yet. It was all about how christians do alot of talking and we do alot inside of the churches from the pew. But they want us to shut up and DO something. It also talks about fasting. How when you fast your relying and trusting in God more than ever. If I would refer any book I've read to read.... This would be it! I loved it. Changed my life...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Phoenix Pastors school was amazing! The best 3 days of my life! Honestly. I got chosen to be the assistant of our traveling service leader. I start today and I'm so pumped to start! God has been so good to me in these past 4 months! I'm considering staying for a 2nd year. Or going to NY or Phoenix for my second year. We'll see!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan books!

Sex is important... I already knew this :) But it breaks it down so you really understand the power of sex. Back in the day when you had sex your were already married from that point on.

This guy talks alot about how God uses messy people. How none of us are perfect and how we all have our sin. Thats basically all it talks about. All of the disciples and the greatest bible figures live's were full of sin. Its not saying it is ok to sin. But it just points out that being holy is not about being sinless.
This guy Brother Lawrence is so crazy about God! Every moment he spends talking with Jesus. He says when he picks up a fry he is talking to God. There is a scripture that says pray without ceasing. And I think this is how you can accomplish that.
Erwin is so smart when it comes to philosophy. He talks alot about are deepest desires. And how we always want to become, acomplish, aspire, and grow. 

Great book. Pushed me to become even better. A leader isnt one who knows something first. He's just the first to mouth it. Leaders arent always the best, smartest, or most talented. Just the ones who have the balls to stand out and say what others are thinking.

This book rocked me! Don Miller just talks about his life. He's so unreligious I loved it. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back in LA

Well I'm back in LA guys! The weather here is perfect.. While I was home I had the best time ever! All the hard work in LA has truly paid off.. From messing around and ruining relationship to preaching to over 150 teens! Gods blessed my socks off and given me so much Grace its not even funny.. 

I'm going to make a few commitments for 2009.

1. Read 2 books a month.

2. Speak 2 times a month.

3. Not buy 1 article of clothing for myself.

4. Sponsor a (Fishers of Men) Child.

5. Go out of the country.

6. Eat out way less.

7. No immoral relationships/Stay PURE.

8. Read the whole new testament. 

9. Never fail a scripture test.

10. Not say 1 cuss word.

11.  Pay for Maters Commission. (6,000) dollars.

I'm sure there are some more.. But these are the commitments I'm going to follow through with! Let me know what you think! love you guys

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'm comin home in 2 days everybody! I love it out here.... But I cant wait for a 2 week break :)